A few weeks ago, we received a call from an individual living quite a distance from Broadview but feeling the need to come to the facility. Plans were made, and we were prepared to receive them some time the following day. In the morning, the individual called back. The situation had improved, and they had found someone in their area who would be able to come to their home and provide the support that was needed. We were so grateful to see an example of the wonderful ways in which divine Love truly does meet every human need! (Science and Health 494:10-11)
“A dear friend” by Johe West, The Christian Science Journal, July 2012

Beautifully serene,
always undisturbed
amid any “jarring testimony
of the material senses,”*
the Christian Science nurse
with transparent purity,
with “clear sense and calm trust”*
tenderly caring,
is radiantly demonstrating
God’s healing love.
* Science and Health, p. 306
* Science and Health, p. 495
(Reprinted with permission from The Christian Science Publishing Society. This poem can be found at https://journal.christianscience.com/issues/2012/7/130-07/a-dear-friend.)