We are grateful to have been able to respond to a number of new calls for our Visiting Christian Science Nurse Service last month. Four clients visited had very quick healings, and we are no longer needed there. At our facility, we’re grateful to have witnessed growth among a number of our guests, including one who was unable to swallow or move much and who is now feeding herself and taking part in many of our activities. There is much to rejoice about, as we acknowledge that, “The senses of Spirit abide in Love, and they demonstrate Truth and Life.” Science and Health 274:12

Here is a lovely note we received this month from a former guest:
“Dear Broadview [Christian Science] nurses, all of you!
This note is to say thank you for everything you are and do. The time I spent with you will resonate inside me for as long as I can imagine for the simple reason that you all set an example of what Christian Science looks like when lovingly, seriously and consistently practiced. Your patience, grace, gentle fearlessness, love, humility, forbearance, skill, wisdom, practical ways and joy set a standard that tells the world that Christian Science is not an abstract, unattainable goal, but a down-to-earth teaching that makes the world a better, holier place.
I am moved and inspired just thinking about you all!
…Much love and deep gratitude…”