Healing Moments – January 2017

Looking back on 2016, we have seen many, many healings. Some were so quick that the guest didn’t unpack. Others evolved beautifully over weeks or months.Flowers One guest was admitted under Medicare with full bed care. The following day she was able to get herself out of bed, and, by the next day, she walked to our Activities room. The guest was discharged the day after. Another guest was admitted after being told by doctors she had only five days to live. From the very first day, there was wonderful progress with this individual, and the guest was discharged after a few months.

Another demonstration we were grateful to witness was the return of a guest to her home country after seemingly being “stranded” in Los Angeles without funds or resources. Her church and its members were an incredible support in this unfoldment.  In fact, we saw many instances of church support throughout the year as well as the reuniting of families after years of estrangement. We are all thankful to have been able to play a much-needed role in the harmonizing of these relationships.

As progress is God’s law, we expect this year to be wonderfully blessed!


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