The Inside Scoop – A Successful Accreditation!

Hey, friends! We’ve got BIG news!

Every three years, Broadview undergoes a rigorous accreditation by The Commission for Accreditation of Christian Science Nursing Organizations/Facilities, Inc. Through an on-site visit, interviews, and document reviews, The Commission looks for integrity, excellence, and reliability within the facility while helping to support our  compliance with laws and regulations we need to abide by. It’s a long process (one we started preparing for in October of 2015), but it’s a great opportunity to review our practices and procedures and consider any updates or changes that need to be made.

And last month, we learned that all three of our programs – the facility, the Visiting Christian Science Nurse Service, and our Education

course – passed! We are incredibly grateful to Lindsay LaVanchy, our Special Projects Manager, who was instrumental in spear-heading our preparation for this Accreditation as well as to all of our staff who worked long and hard to prepare for the entire process.

P.S. Our three certificates from The Commission are hanging in the front lobby. Stop by to check them out!


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