Dear participants,
Many fellow students of Christian Science have shared that they especially look forward to the Bible Lessons on the synonyms. Perhaps these subjects seem easier compared to the other 20 Lesson subjects? However, as we delve into this month’s Lesson sermons, we’ll find that there’s certainly nothing lightweight about them! This Love Lesson, for instance, includes over a dozen references to commandments, statutes, rules, or laws.
This theme continues in the Soul Lesson later this month, reinforcing the idea that we are blessed by relying on and obeying God’s commandments and statutes. Similarly, the Spirit and Mind Lessons emphasize themes of God’s power, might, and strength, which we manifest through reflection.
With this understanding, the February 2025 spiritual activities were chosen to align with these themes. Let’s look forward to a month of feeling lovingly guided and fortified, trusting that only God’s rules are supreme in our daily experience.
With disciplined love and hearty hugs,

Tracy Colerider-Krugh
Broadview, Inc.
Activities/Volunteer Coordinator
Activities to inspire acts of kindness and to deepen our study of our Bible Lessons