
2017 Annual Meeting: Board Presentation

On Saturday September 23, Broadview hosted their 2017 Annual Meeting. The program included presentations by staff, board, and featured guest speaker Dr. Shirley Paulson. Below you’ll find a summary of the board presentation given by Debbie Simmons, Mike Mooslin, Anne Cooling, and George Birdsong.

1 – Executive Director Search

Ongoing interviews for the Executive Director role at Broadview are still in progress. Until this position has been filled, Mark Schierloh will continue to stand in as Interim Executive Director. Broadview appreciates the prayerful support of our community and thanks you for your continued support in this process.

2 – 4570 Property

Broadview’s specific mission is to provide a facility that has the atmosphere for healing, with the support and care of Christian Science nursing. The Board of Directors is carefully considering the best and highest use of the 4570 property. The two options being considered at this time are (1) Relocate a new home-like facility on a portion of the current property, and sell the remainder OR (2) Sell the property and relocate to a different location in the same area. We want our community to know that no matter the decision, Broadview is here to stay and to serve the Southern California community for many generations to come.

3 – Facility Right-Sizing

Broadview is currently a 40 bed facility with 4 wings on an 11 acre property. The facility has not housed that many patients at one time in many years, and is also in need of significant maintenance and remodeling. During an all day strategic planning meeting with a consultant, The Broadview Board of Directors discussed the “right-sizing” options of a smaller facility. The idea of having a few cottage type buildings developed from this meeting. Many Broadview patients have shared their preference to stay at home when working out a healing. Having a few “cottage/home-like” buildings would be less of an adjustment to settle in for these members of our community. A new smaller facility will better match out patient count; reduce maintenance costs; and position us to serve the large LA and Orange County areas, potentially with two small facilities. This arrangement will also make Christian Science nursing more conveniently located for patients and their families.

4 – Expansion into Orange County

In Southern California, the nearest Christian Science nursing facilities are Broadview (in Los Angeles)  and Sunland (in San Diego). The Board of Directors has been praying and working diligently to find the best way to make Christian Science nursing more accessible to Christian Scientists and their families in the in-between areas. Last year, during the 2016 Annual Meeting, Broadview asked our community for their input on location. The results from this survey revealed an interest in a second facility – perhaps in Orange County. Discussion on a smaller, home-like Christian Science nursing facility in Orange County is still underway. We hope to provide an uplifting 21st century Christian Science nursing facility into our community. We’d like to also be clear that Broadview will not be re-locating to Orange County, but rather extending our facility into Orange County. Broadview will remain in Los Angeles.


Let us feel the divine energy of Spirit, bringing us into newness of life and recognizing no mortal nor material power as able to destroy.” (Science and Health 249:6-8)



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